* Update 4 – As you awake this Friday morning the death toll in Nice – France is now at 84 with 18 injured according to the BBC. This is a sad, sad, day in Nice. My heart goes out to all the families of those dead and injured. I am sure everyone who lives in Wednesfield this morning will be horrified at this terrorist attack, and will want to stand in sympathy with Nice. Plus offer condolences to those poor families who have now to face up to the consequences of this heinous crime.
* Update 3 – The latest information suggests that there is NO hostage situation in Nice…and the death toll being reported by News Agencies suggest that the death toll of the people hit by the truck is now 60
Shocking images from what is being described as an attack in Nice France,
they are suggesting that some thirty people have died, and the French Police opened fire
on the truck….Poor France…Condolences from Wednesfield. UPDATE- There are reports setting out that it is a terrorist attack..& Fox News are now suggesting there is an accomplice nearby with hostages…fast moving story….