From the Archives – The Crushing of Motorbike Nuisance!

Here is an article from the Archives of Councillor Phil Bateman – Following a summer of noise and dangerous nuisance Wednesfield Police informed residents –

Back on the 22 April   2008 – At that  nights Police Liaison Committee on Ashmore Park the police informed the residents who attended that they had already crushed 6 nuisance motorbikes which had been zooming around the estate and along the canal tow-paths.

There was much support given by residents to this news. It was clear that there was a real effort being made by Wednesfield Police to protect pedestrians and others from these bad10462542_715400025192216_4193381832399208680_n Ashmore Park Sign motorcyclists, who really do not care too much about others .

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
