Good morning Wednesfield- Start of another week! 28th June 2021

This week I will be looking to receive information on the ‘fly tip’ of rubbish reported in a number of garage sites in Wednesfield North. Also, a response re a resident’s concern about their waste disposal issues.
Plus, a report I have requested relating to a water leak in a grass verge.
Readers of this site will know that, following information from users of the Labyrinth on the Ashmore Park. Parents contacted me with concerns that the equipment was unsafe, and dangerous. I contacted the department straight away. The initial response is that the Labyrinth has been vandalised, many of the wooden posts around the boundary had taken the brunt of this activity. The ones that had been vandalised and replaced, were vandalised again
The Officers further informed me that they were making arrangements to make the equipment safe, plus it is past its life expectancy, and beyond economic repair. That in my mind means that it is going to be removed
I will update readers after the further questions I have asked are responded too.
Have a great day Wednesfield…..

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
