Government Disappoints Early Years Gets No Extra Funding Announcement!

Councillor Phil Bateman said today “The Early Years education sector that supports Nursery Education will I am sure be very disappointed that the GOVERNMENT has not pumped any additional resources into the sector.

As A City Councillor and the Chair of Ashmore Park Nursery School I think that we all held hope that the Government would take the opportunity in the Autumn Statement to ease fears for the future of Nursery Education by investing new funding into the sector.

IMG_6048 Ashmore Park Nursery Outstanding schoolWe prove year after year at Ashmore Park Nursery that early years play a vital role supporting children’s learning and development – particularly those from more disadvantaged backgrounds – The chance to close the gap and taking a real big step to improving children’s life chances, the investment we hope Government would make in our children’s education future has not taken place.

This lack of vision and funding will create great uncertainty into Nursery Schools, and that is such a retrograde step for Government to make. I shall be writing to our MP to make her aware of my concerns for Nursery Education here in Wolverhampton.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
