Today (Thursday 5th November) Ashmore Park Nursery School welcomed City Mayor, Councillor Ian Brookfield and Mayoress Paula Brookfield to the school, to celebrate the Sapphire anniversary of the opening of the School 45 Years ago.
Mayor Brookfield was welcomed by Head Teacher Sue Lacey and Deputy Head Jane Parocki and was then introduced to Staff and Governors.

Wolverhampton’s Mayor Cllr Ian Brookfield and Mayoress Councillor Paula Brookfield, Meeting the Governor’s of the School.
After meeting with children, families and Educators, the Mayor and Mayoress were presented with a Sapphire Vase as a gift to remember this day by Governors.
Head Teacher Sue Lacey said ” This Is a big day in the life of our school, we are delighted that we have been able to share it with Wolverhampton’s Mayor and Mayoress, and of course our children and their parents. We informed the City’s Civic Head about the Nursery Schools plans going forward, which includes the fact that this School has been giving Leadership support to Phoenix Nursery School in Wolverhampton for a year, and we have recently started a consultation process which should lead to a formal Federation taking place early in the New Year.
We also explained that Ashmore Park Nursery School, was also working hard developing our Ashmore Park Professional Learning Environment (A.P.P.L.E) The aim of A.P.P.L.E is to support other colleagues across the city in evolving their practise by looking at opportunities to develop children’s critical thinking in meaningful ways. The school has been working alongside colleagues from across the city and hopes to work with other schools from across the West Midlands too. The innovative approach to teaching at Ashmore Park Nursery School has contributed greatly towards the award of “Outstanding school” for the last three inspections of the nursery by Ofsted.
Councillor Phil Bateman Chairman Ashmore Park Nursery added “I have thoroughly enjoyed today, we have been able show off our school and to inform the Civic Head of Wolverhampton of the successful bid this school along with our UK partners, and our Swedish colleagues have made to the European Union’s Erasmus Funding.
This school is also currently working within a community of learners across Local Authorities in the UK as well as with several pre-schools in Sweden. We are very keen to innovate and develop teaching so that our children are able to think creatively, solve problems and work as part of a group. This way we will be working towards equipping our children for an uncertain world. · We are honoured and excited to be part of a 3 year research project funded through Erasmus + (European Union) that begins in October 2015. We will be continuing our collaboration with 4 West Midlands settings,) and 5 Pre-Schools in Stockholm, Sweden. This research grant, awarded to our collaborative network will enable us to investigate and develop innovative enquiry based teaching and learning in which digital media is used creatively to generate thinking, knowledge and the expression of children’s ideas.
We are very proud of our work and achievements and the local, regional and International reputation we are forging. We look forward to sharing these research findings with local and national and international learning communities as the work progresses.
Note for Editors
Ashmore Park Nursery is a three times winner of the OFSTED ‘Outstanding School Award’.
The Consultation regarding the Federation of Phoenix Nursery School is a new development, and we are looking for the completion of this federation by the New Year.
UK Network schools -Phoenix Nursery School, Wolverhampton, Madeley Nursery School (Telford & Wrekin), Hillfields Children’s Centre (Coventry), Woodlands Primary and Nursery School (Telford & Wrekin)