The footpath linking Parker -Anslow Gardens across the Danesmore Open space to the bus stop on Griffith Drive. is now very lit up with Lamps!
I have been campaigning for this important piece of infrastructure to be inserted into this pathway, since it was brought to my attention at the beginning of the year.
This is what I wrote in the Spring to the Public Realm department at that time
“I doubt if there are many pathways of this length with such a critical connection for the elderly and infirm residents as this particular path here on Ashmore Park. It is a crucial piece of infrastructure that is of utmost important to the bungalows it serves.
There is no other access to the crucial bus stop without a very long detour . The matter will be one of my top priorities in this new Municipal Year. I note your response and respect your decision bearing in mind the reduced resources you have at your disposal. But the matter is one of priority and for the residents this is a very big priority. It is a priority that impacts upon their safety as it is a very torturous path to walk , and then again on their personal safety as in the dark, the path is a most frightening link to their homes at night, as well as in the long winter nights. It is also an issue that impinges on equality. I will continue to highlight this matter and make the case strongly over the next four years.
It may be that your service with Wolverhampton Homes and Bromford Housing Association can work in partnership to provide this facility, so the whole cost doesn’t fall on your service? But what ever it is – I am not going to allow the issue to be dropped!
Well I feel pretty good at the moment because the lamps are in. There is light across the Open Space. Though the trees are stilled to be trimmed to let the light shine through without too many shadows. But I have to admit to being pleased with Wolverhampton City Council. Thank you Public Realm and the Officers.