Parking Problems – New Cross Hospital

New Cross Hospital

New Cross Hospital

Earlier this month I took part in a debate at a City Council Meeting that took place and one of the principle issues on the Agenda was the growing parking problems around New Cross Hospital…..Here is the extract from the Minutes of the Meeting. I ascertained that an earlier plan which had included Parking Restrictions on Lower Prestwood Road were no longer in the thoughts of the City Council. Here are the Minutes of the –

Budget Review – Draft Budget 2016/17

Review residential parking across wider New Cross area

Cabinet Member for City Environment explained that the proposed changes would affect parking at the rear of the hospital site. The Cabinet Member advised that in response to previous residents parking complaints there was a consultation on the introduction of residents parking permit scheme. However, it was not possible to devise a scheme that would meet the concerns of residents on the limits on parking space for visitors and or family members. The proposal is an alternative scheme which will be subsidised by funding from the introduction of a pay and display parking scheme for non-residents. 

The panel discussed the areas to be covered by the scheme. The panel were advised that it was estimated that 60 properties would be affected by the introduction of a pay and display parking scheme. Cabinet Member for City Environment acknowledged the concerns of local residents about the problems caused by parking. The panel sought reassurance that the scheme would not applied too rigidly in the dedicated parking spaces –for example, the period that charges will apply. 

The panel discussed the impact of parking problems on the 59 bus service which often experience frequent delays as a result. The panel commented on the need to consider the travel needs of people using the bus service.


Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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