“Passionate About Wednesfield North”


Thursday 5th May 2016 is Wolverhampton City Councils polling Day…the Voting takes place from 7.00am to 10.00pm. Its a very important day. Please ensure you vote. Make sure you use that Postal Ballot. Do not leave it tucked behind the clock!

If you Vote traditionally at the local Polling Station do not forget to take your Polling Cards….though you can vote even if you have mislaid them and you can prove your identity.

I love the thrill of election day, but I shall still be biting my nails! Take a look at the video I have produced, it says why I want you to vote for me!

It lays out some of the reasons why I am standing in this election……

Councillor Phil Bateman


Please Vote for Phil Bateman allow him to continue to #SpeakUp4WednesfieldNorth!

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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