Planning Permission Granted – Barnard Road

!cid_image002_jpg@01D0714B Barnard road Recently there was a planning application before the City Councils Planning Committee. It was for permission for the building of a Care Home in Barnard Road Ashmore Park. This was held in the Civic Centre and was attended by several residents of Barnard Road. These were the objections that I made in writing. 

“I would like to object to the above planning application. These are the reasons why I object. The development of the Care Home on Barnard Road is objected to because it will be an over development of the site.



There was a local covenant on the land that indicated it suitable for dwellings of the style that fitted the current street scene. I submit that for the planning application on the site as it stands – the application will be overbearing. The design will not fit into the residential road vista that currently is Barnard Road.


I am concerned that the drainage and sewerage generated by the building and its residents will over power the current arrangements for sewerage, and that it will add extra water run off to inadequate storm drainage.



The number of vehicles in Barnard Road currently causes problems with highway obstructions, the extra traffic to the care home including delivery vehicles without some actions being taken to alleviate and mitigate residential parking will increase the chances of accidents in what is a very tight suburban road. The potential obstruction by parked vehicles could impede Emergency services.


The extra traffic and supplying the home with lorry deliveries will destroy grass verges. Which are important environmentally for water runoff.


I trust that you will report my objections to the Planning Committee and would like to indicate my request that I be able to address the Planning Committee on the day that the application is heard.”



The outcome of the planning application following Committee was as follows.


The resolution of the Planning Committee was – Delegation to the Director, subject to a satisfactory car parking layout (two additional spaces required). 


The Officer informed that “once the plan is received I will consult with Transportation to ensure the layout is appropriate.” The Officer has also indicated that “I am not sure if you are aware but All Age Disability Team Sue Eagle, has also confirmed the following


“We are also proposing that we work with the community liaison group to hold information forums about the development. We will invite Councillors and local residents to ensure that regular updates are provided and also offer an opportunity for any concerns to be raised with the Provider”.


I will of course let residents know through these pages of any further news or developments.



Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
