Refreshed Carriageway Markings – Griffith Drive Ashmore Park

There have been lots of calls during the last 12 months, by members of the public regarding road safety issues around Griffith Drive on Ashmore Park. Recently Highway officials and the Police met with your Councillors to discuss these issues.

I can confirm that City Highway Engineers have agreed that the carriageway markings around Griffiths Drive are to be refreshed.

There is still a question of a review of the existing traffic calming to establish its efficacy, We have pressed the department over this. But because of a shortage of resources a definitive time scale for such a review is not yet available.

The issue is perhaps not as clear cut as we had hoped it would be. But there will be safety benefits to be had from the first phase of the work, which will be refreshed carriageway markings. All three Councillors will keep you informed as we our10462542_715400025192216_4193381832399208680_n Ashmore Park Signselves receive further  information.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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