Rest in Peace -Wednesfield’s Community Excellence Award Winner.

It was sad to hear that Wednesfield North Community Excellence champion has recently passed away.

Les Simmons was a big character around Wednesfield for the whole of my political life here, which spans 40 years..

Even at the grand old age of 97 Les was still talking Wednesfield up!

Here in this photograph Wednesfield North Councillors award Les with a 2019 – Community Excellence Award, for all the hard work and volunteering he had done, over all the years, with Ashmore Park Tenants Association, Hands on Wednesfield, Wednesfield History Society and Wednesfield in Bloom.

Les you have certainly earned the right to Rest In Peace. Deepest sympathy and condolences to all his friends and relative

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
