Road Works – New Electric Supply New Cross Hospital

Councillor Phil Bateman said today “I have been picking up criticism relating to the number of road works taking place across the Wednesfield area and the City. I contacted the City Councils Permit Officer, and she has set out the situation with regards to Highway Work now here on my Social Media sites. I want to thank Emma for the response. Which I think readers will find interesting.”

I can advise that the works in the Wednesfield Area, predominantly along Wednesfield Way and Wolverhampton Road are all part of the same major project being undertaken by National Grid ( Electricity Distribution) to facilitate a new supply to New Cross Hospital.
This scheme is on a very tight deadline and NG have therefore commenced works in several locations with numerous teams along the required route, from March End Road to Wolverhampton Road, to ensure works are expedited as safely and efficiently as possible.

Advanced warning signs were on site along this route in December 2022, to advise the travelling public of the works and potential delays on the network from January 2023, when works commenced.

Any other works currently being undertaken in the Wednesfield area are minor works or emergency repair works with little or no impact on the network as they do not require temporary traffic management. No other planned works requiring temporary traffic management in this area will be approved until after the NGED project has been completed.

The NG project is due to complete 26/05/23, however, works are progressing well and it is anticipated that they may complete sooner than originally anticipated.

There are currently 146 permits in progress across the whole of Wolverhampton. 40 of these are immediate emergency permits. There is no marked increase in the amount of permits we are currently receiving in relation to this time last year, however, we do have several major projects currently being undertaken including the NGED project mentioned above, Public Realm works and STW water mains replacement scheme.

Councillor Bateman further added ” I hope readers of this site find the information useful.”

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
