Safety Around Schools in Wednesfield North

Throughout the start of the new calendar year I have received strong comments on my social media sites about car parking outside all the Primary Schools in Wednesfield North. It’s been a long and grinding  slog this one! Plus it raises emotions. My readers have made it very clear that the use of cars around the local Primary Schools need some attention. I have been diligently trying to address the matter in a responsible way.

Corpus Christi School.

I have as you are all aware been engaged heavily with Corpus Christi and I am as confident as you can be, that all that can be done, is being done.

That doesn’t mean that there are no incidents, nor does it mean that it is incident free. I have seen parents who could be a bit more aware of the neighbours and a bit more street savvy when parking their cars in the car park.

Nevertheless the Road Safety team has been down and they have reported to me that they do believe that the arrangements for Corpus Christi are as good as can be.

I have however asked for the CCTV car and officers to patrol the school in the new term. They have agreed to do that.

Oakmeadow School

Recently there has been a very unhappy person who has been complaining to me about the safety of children and the car parking that takes place in Ryan Ave, and the poor driving and parking displayed by some parents at the beginning and the end of the school day.

I have asked what kind of numbers of complaints the Authority had received. I was pretty surprised to be told that there was only one complaint recorded!

I have however pressed the department and they have informed me that they will launch the cctv car and foot patrols around the school when it returns. I will also be speaking with the Police about this issue. I will also seek an appointment with the school as there is clearly an issue to be discussed.

Woodend School

Woodend school has had a small number of complaints. These have been recorded as being three since June 2014 (1 related to contractors from the school rebuild parking on grass verges.)

New no waiting/no loading restriction has recently been introduced by Highways Department on the off – side of the road opposite the school. Again there is going to be some CCTV patrols in the new term and also foot patrols to monitor activity.

St Alban’s School

Recently at this school, I have received photographs of parents parking over the road markings and where it is clearly not allowed by the law.

CCTV-Car-250x200 wolverhampton Again I asked the department what sort of official complaints they had received. Again I am told that since 2014 no one has made an official complaint. However the department has assured me that during the new term the CCTV car and foot patrols will be visiting the school to make the arrangements safer.

CCTV Vehicle Enforcement

Local authorities have a duty to tackle dangerous parking and the Traffic Management Act 2004 allows councils to enforce parking contraventions by CCTV camera in problem areas.

Wolverhampton City Council deployed a CCTV vehicle in order to address parking at hotspots or problem areas where motorists are putting the safety of others at risk and causing unnecessary congestion.

Where does the CCTV vehicle operate?

The council has identified ‘problem areas’, including:

  • roads with yellow zigzag markings (school keep clear markings)
  • bus stopsHowever, it should be noted that the CCTV vehicle may observe other vehicles parked in contravention of parking restrictions when recording in a hotspot/problem area.In order for the CCTV vehicle to carry out enforcement activities safely, if there are no suitable parking spaces it is allowed to park in contravention of parking rules. However, the CCTV vehicle is not allowed to park in disabled bays, suspended bays, bus stops and taxi ranks.The CCTV enforcement vehicle is driven by trained operatives, who are already experienced Civil Enforcement Officers. The on board CCTV system automatically records any vehicles parked in contravention of the Traffic Regulation Orders and the information is then securely uploaded to the council’s Parking Enforcement management system.If a contravention has occurred, a Parking fines – Penalty Charge Notices will be sent to the address of the registered keeper/owner/hirer of the vehicle, by post, within 28 days of the date of the alleged contravention. The PCN will be accompanied by photographic evidence of the parking contravention.
  • Benefits of CCTV camera Enforcement
  • The footage will then be reviewed and a Senior Council Officer will determine if a parking contravention has occurred.
  • How does the CCTV camera enforcement work?
  • CCTV camera car parking
  • Problem areas are identified by gathering evidence of vehicles parked in contravention of the parking restrictions on three separate occasions over a one week period. After three months each area is reassessed to determine if the problem still exists.
  • Reduces traffic congestion.
  • Improves road 

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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