Sports Direct To Take On – Laura Ashley Unit

Following the news that Cllr Coogan and I broke at the end of last week which informed Wednesfield that the Bentley Bridge Retail Park, was taking some real positive steps in the run up to Christmas – as the Retail Park reported a substantial increase in the number of shoppers visiting (37,000) – more than 5.5 per cent above the average national benchmark.

The latest figures for Bentley Bridge in Wednesfield show footfall at the shopping complex increased by 6.7 per cent from the week beginning November 23.

Whilst the UK retail industry has been badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and the enforced closure of many shops, the Bentley Bridge Retail Park’s recent statistics are seen as encouraging news for our very local economy.

Tonight, I can reveal that there is still a lot going on at the Retail Park, behind the scenes, I am told that much of it is “very positive.”

 In emphasising that – I have been informed that the Retail Park has just “completed a new 5-year lease with Sports Direct on the Laura Ashley unit.”

I also understand that there are a lot of “conversations” that are taking place behind the scenes with multiple company’s going forward.

I will make the information known when I am in the position to do so. But the big inference for shoppers is that there is still a huge interest in the Wednesfield based Retail Park. That is great news considering the wind of change that is building over the economic situation, and the Climate Change crisis that is building, plus the Covid-19 issues that abound across the West Midlands Region.  

Lets keep positive about Wednesfield’s retail  future and the future of our local economy.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
