The Ashmore Park -Latest News On Suggested Changes For The Park

Here is some good news for our community . The work and the consultation that has taken place regarding The Ashmore Park all summer, is coming to a conclusion.

There has been a lot of meeting and many hundreds of words have been written and spoken gauging what was required for an improvement for younger children activities.

The finance for this modernisation plan, despite the huge austerity programme placed on the Local Authority by Government reduction in grant has been identified. This is itself good news!

The finance for the changes to The Ashmore Park will be financed by a s106 contribution of nearly £62K from the sale of the former Linthouse Inn to improve the children’s play area.

Google earth The Ashmore Park

The Ashmore Park, with clear views of the current lay out of the Children’s Park….

Its proposed to re-design the Children’s Play area of the site, firstly to make space for the installation of new equipment and secondly, to better position the existing equipment to serve different age groups. This has been requested by some parents for a while at the meetings that have been held.

This is likely to involve the re-positioning of some equipment and a possible reconfiguring of inner paths etc, which would enable the Local Authority to fence and gate the most appropriate area, particularly the part serving younger children.

I am still pressing the LA on identifying new play equipment and also to recognise equipment that can be used for children with a disability.

They inform me they are, happy to consider any preferences the local community have for new play equipment if it fits within the overall finance available. Here is the results of  The Ashmore Park Consultation on park improvements

Held at Ashmore Park Hub – July / August 2015

Residents attending the consultation display were asked to score a number of improvement suggestions, to determine the level of support for each option. 29 completed questionnaires were received.  The most popular suggestion was the installation of play area fencing which received 38% of support. This was followed by play area improvements, which received 27% of support. Full details below:


Suggested option To install fencing around the children’s play area. Improvements to the children’s play area. Improvements to the BMX track. Pathway and access improvements to the park. Other.
Level of support 38% 27% 15% 15% 5%

Residents were also invited to put forward other suggestions, which are categorised below:

Play area – A suggestion was made that the play area could possibly be re-designed to incorporate improvements into a more condensed area, thereby reducing the amount of fencing required.

4 residents considered that play equipment should cater for all ages and children with disabilities. A zip wire and playhouse were two further suggestions.

Grounds – 3 residents requested that the tall trees beside the BMX track are reduced in height. One request to plant shrubs adjacent to cycle speedway and small trees at the bottom end of park was received.

Access – One request to leave vehicle gate open at all times.

Provision – Better seating (3)   More bins (2) more dog bins (2) cycle trail (1) Improve protection status, so not built on (1) Former tennis courts could be re-instated (1) or turned into a dog walking area (1) separate dog walking area (1) MUGA lighting currently on all night (reported to Street Lighting) 

Security – Increase ranger presence (1) Enforce dog regulations (2) Extend CCTV in the future (1)

Problem with ASB in BMX area (2)

In Conclusion – Whilst I am sure this will not satisfy all outlooks and views. The plan now certainly caters for the changes that have been made coming from the “Improve Ashmore Park” public group who have been requesting these items and have run the public meetings called to achieve these aims. I think that this Group have done a great job…..Going forward I hope that they continue in their interest, and I know the three Ward Councillors are keen to work with the group.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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