The Police Dispersal Order Worked.

Last week and the week end previous was a difficult time for Ashmore Park. There was a lot of concerns about youths gathering in groups, and there were reports of youths threatening each other.


I have just received a message from West Midlands Police and I felt that the need is to inform you of the current situation as far as Wednesfield Police see it.


Sgt Danher of Wednesfield Police tells me “I just wanted to provide some feedback following the S.35 dispersal that we implemented on Ashmore Park last weekend, following the incidents the weekend prior.


The dispersal was granted from 4pm on Friday 21st October to Sunday 23rd at 4pm. This gave us the power to disperse persons within Griffiths Drive for 48 hours, should they return they could be arrested/returned to their parents should they be deemed a child.


We were provided with additional support from  our proactive team, meaning a larger presence of officers on the beat. As such, the areas of issue such as Bottom Shops and Ashmore Park were very quiet and no dispersals were made. We only received one call over the weekend in relation to someone letting off fireworks in the Park.


I am hopeful that this has sent a message out to the local community, that as a neighbourhood team we do take matters seriously and will respond pro-actively.”


Neither Mary or I received any calls over the weekend. Though we ourselves went out on a trip around Ashmore Park at night to ensure we were as well briefed as we possibly could be. Hopefully this quietening down of the situation will continue through out the Autumn and into the winter.

IMG_8696 sgt Danher

Sgt Martin Danher


Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
