I have today reported a pothole in Clevelend Road Ashmore Park. Small though the issue is in the scheme of things. This is the traditional sort of work you undertake as a City Councillor. I have also pledged to give as much help as I can to the ‘Save Goodyear’s Campaign’.
I have written to the City Mayor in Akron Ohio, the City where Goodyear’s has its Global Headquarters. I have been asking for Mayor Fusco’s help and influence on the matter.
I have also been working on the plan for the arrival of 22 narrow-boats into Wednesfield as part of the narrow-boat cruise which is happening in September.
Tonight I am attending a ‘Fish & Chip’ supper at the Ashmore Park Community Association at the Hub at Ashmore Park. I am informed that there are 60-70 people going! Need a trawler and a field of spuds to quell their appetites me thinks!
The day has also been filled by some paperwork, and reading the agenda’s for some imminent meetings.