Tree Replacements and New tree requests – With the City Council undergoing a rigorous audit of expenditure to find yet more savings. There are some replacement issues that are being delayed like tree planting.
From time to time I like every other City Councillor gets a request to have a tree replaced or have a new tree planted in a grass verge.
Here is the latest advice I have received from the Public Realm team after I requested a tree planting in a grass verge in Ashmore Park. “Tree request locations are considered/inspected for planting during the Autumn and Spring months and not before.
As mentioned previously the location has been added to the tree request list. Funds and the absence of underground services permitting, and the verge location being suitable to sustain the growth of a tree.

Here is a typical street where trees were requested. This work was carried out on Ashmore Park some years ago.
A small budget for new trees is contained with the City Councils Maintenance budget, however the priority for the budget is of course the annual tree maintenance program and dangerous trees, hopefully this year we will have some remaining budget to carry out new tree planting.”