Last night Councillor Rita Potter and I attended an invitation made to us by South Staffordshire Council, to attend The Chamber at the Council House to discuss a concept Plan for ‘North of Linthouse Lane’ in South Staffordshire development.
We attended the meeting and we informed them that we were against the proposals to have the land developed. Wednesfield North Councillors have reiterated that view on every occasion that we have had the opportunity to do so.
However, the planning process continues and it is in everybody’s interest that we find out as much as we can about the thought process and the machinery that is taking place.
It is a difficult place to be. South Staffordshire are leading this program, and they have instructed Hyas a Consultations’ Group to create a ‘concept Plan’ for the Option they have for this land.
As City Councillors we are in a difficult position, we have no control over this planning arrangement, and we sit there knowing that the huge majority of Wednesfield North residents are against the loss of this Green Belt. Yet the process keeps marching on.
Yesterday we were shown ‘concept plans that set out the vision the Officers are to place before South Staffordshire Councillors, and later in this year, they MAY form part of the plans that the South Staffordshire Councillors will go out for public consultation on. That public consultation will likely be timetabled for later this year.
Last night the development as envisaged became clearer,
• In short, the concept plan envisages, a development of 1,956 dwellings
• Primary access opportunities (Roads) linking with Linthouse Lane and Blackhalve lane
• Secondary primary access (Roads) linking with – Kitchen Lane
• A two-form entry Primary School
• A Community Hub
• Central Green Space
• Housing – Higher Density Zones, Lower Density Zones Medium Density Zones
• Green Links with Bio Diversity enhancements
• Pedestrians and Cycle routes
• Locations for Football pitches
• Proposed Country Park
Now I have to reiterate this is NOT what is going to happen, it a vision thing, that is being developed by a planning consultancy company, with the developers’ representatives, and Officers of South Staffordshire District Council. All with the aim to help South Staffordshire IF they decide to go ahead with the decision, to use this land, in their next stage of their Local Plan.
From a Wednesfield North perspective your Councillors have felt very uncomfortable in the two meetings that have taken place. One by a Teams virtual meeting, and last night at the meeting in Codsall.
We strongly underlined that we were against the option of a development yet again, but being there enabled us to see and to envisage the thoughts, as they were outlined to the meeting.
I will provide more feed back later and keep you informed of developments.