During a recent enquiry I have made with regard to the garage site on Snape Road, Ashmore Park.
I have discovered that surprisingly the site is subject to low use. I had asked that it be ‘spruced up’ following a complaint from a local resident to me. Quite rightly he pointed out to me that the site is opposite the True Briton PH. It attracts visitors both locally and a little further afield. It is detracting from the street scene as they are not hidden away…they have a frontage open to viewing from street level and the PH itself.
Now Wolverhampton Homes tells me that ” Due to its low usage and the lack of demand for the garages it was decided that it was not financially viable to carry out repair work either on the garages themselves or the forecourt. Given the low occupancy rate at present, the need to recoup any investment over a maximum of 10 years via the rental income would not be possible.”
There are 13 garages on the site, yet only 3 of which are let.
Wolverhampton Homes go onto tell me that “Interest in the site from other residents is limited although we are currently looking to see if we can generate more demand by way of advertising. If the number of garages let increases it may be possible that the site is reconsidered as part of the garage improvement programme for 2016/17”
If there are any residents living locally that would like a lock up garage to rent.
Email me on…………………. email@philbateman.com
For the resident who contacted me I have not given this up at all. Just the first round of a skirmish I think!