Cycle Speedways – Wednesfield Aces Annual Awards Evening.

img_1266-marySaturday the 27th November, Mary and I were invited to attend the Wednesfield Aces & Dragons Annual Awards evening which was held at Gilberts in Willenhall. It was a great night and it was proud evening for both of us, as we took part in the Awards ceremony.

Wednesfield Aces have been an important sporting club on Ashmore Park for more than 50 years.

Last night’s event was as always very well attended and the trophies were a glittering hoard!

As your Local Councillor’s we were delighted to accept the Clubs invitation to attend, (Councillor Rita Potter recently had a knee operation and was at home recovering)

What we like about Wednesfield Aces and its team of Managers and supporters is the fact that the Club continues to develop and grow cycling stars that make a real impact on Cycle Speedway. We both felt very proud to be amongst British, European, and World Champions in this their chosen sport.

The Wednesfield Aces are renown in this particular sport wherever it takes place in the World.

That is an honour for Wednesfield and of course the City of Wolverhampton!

Last night we met lots of people from the sport, and residents. It was a real nice night. Wednesfield Aces are always looking for new stars. The youngest trophy winners were four years of age! So if you or your youngsters (Boys or Girls) want to give it a go here is the information that you require!

Come and try cycle speedway Wednesfield Aces welcome new members of all ages to join us. Why not come down for a taster session on a Tuesday evening? No need for your own bike, we can supply them at the club. Call Roger our club manager on 07816 345577 or Wayne on 07920 790270. Training nights Juniors – Tuesday 18:30 – 19:30 Seniors – Thursday 19:30 – 21:00 The Address of Wednesfield Aces is Griffiths Drive Ashmore Park Wednesfield WV11 2JW

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
