Wednesfield Has Had A Good Week!

I am always looking to see if the spotlight can be put on Wednesfield! This last week has been just superb.Here is a rundown of the good things that have happened in the last 7 days.

  • The Unveiling of the Wolverhampton Civic Society Blue Plaque commemorating the Ashmore Park Mining Industry and the 20 years celebration of the Ashmore Park Community Association. More than a thousand residents flooded through the doors of The Hub!
  • The Wednesfield in Bloom entry gained a Silver Award from the Heart of England in Bloom organisation. Not bad for our first time of trying. Well done you Wednesfield Volunteers!
  • Wednesfield Christmas Lights – The Volunteers of ’ Hands on Wednesfield’ ran an innovative crowd sourcing event, and the social media appeal raised the £4,000 that they had targeted to allow the High Street Christmas Lights to go ahead. Indeed so powerful was the appeal the fund surpassed its target and raised £6,000! How good is that? Sadly the word on the street is that the High Street shops who benefit the most from these arrangements are very conspicuous by their absence…….Now what does that tell you! img_7255-wednesfield-xmas-lights

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
