Let me say how impressed I am with the sale of garage sites that have been unused for many years, most of whom have been a magnet for anti social behaviour here in Wednesfield North.
The sites have been sold by the City to private developers for house building.
Taken with the site of The former Linthouse PH and the former Hodson House site in the space of a few years we have seen redundant land that was doing ‘no good’ at all transformed into new homes with all the benefits that brings to our community.
New homes that have brought construction jobs during the build, Counciltax when they have been sold, and a Capital Receipt to the City Council when the City have been the owners of the redundant land. Other community benefits include the loss of redundant land where anti social behaviour plagued local residents. Only yesterday another former redundant garage site had to be ‘bollarded’ because of allegation of drug use here in Wednesfield North.
The success of the ‘in fill’ build by the Local Builder ( Alexander Mason) in particular has caught my eye.
By using this type of development here in Wednesfield North, The company has (1) Increased housing supply by utilising infill sites, (2) Combatted ASB on derelict sites on estates, (3)Maximised Council tax receipts (4) Maximising National House Building targets.
In total 33 Private homes have been built on sites in Wednesfield North. I know the City Council would be keen to see more small local building companies involved in this sort of construction across the City, and not just in Wednesfield. If small local builders look to want to take these steps, they may be surprised to find that there is a facility available to them for the Provision of low cost loans from the City Council ( lower than the Banks can offer!)
If there are local builders who would like a conversation regarding these issues, I am happy to be the first contact!
I have also had a conversation with City Council officers urging them to look with ‘fresh eyes’ at the opportunities we have here with this land availability to consider Council House building if the resources can be found.