Wednesfield North – Stop Smoking Campaign!

Wednesfield North Councillors contribution to the week long ‘No Smoking Campaign’ led to 4306 local readers of social media in the Ward becoming aware of the Healthy Lifestyles advice.
16681457_1569514716394383_3224409053699746417_nOur campaign also highlighted the help that Catherine (The Healthy Lifestyles professional) provides from The Hub at Ashmore Park.
Rita Mary and I am chuffed that we have had such a great response from our constituents with regards to this worthwhile campaign….we particularly liked the individual experiences that residents told us about, as to why they had quit smoking!
Wednesfield North Councillors - Phil Bateman, Mary Bateman and Rita Potter.

Wednesfield North Councillors – Phil Bateman, Mary Bateman and Rita Potter.


We will keep you in touch with anything else relating to this thread.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
