On Friday15/June 2016 Wednesfield POLICE Sgt David Stanley left his current role with Wednesfield Police team, to play another role in the Police force in Wolverhampton . I am told it’s an exciting appointment, and one he applied for. I wish him well in his new role!
I want to say what a pleasure it has been to have Sgt Stanley working so hard for WEDNESFIELD. He is a very nice man as well as being a first class Police officer. I have had my arguments with him over the years, but I do think he leaves Wednesfield having made a very great contribution to law and order and keeping our Neighbourhoods as ‘low crime Wards’.
I wish him well in his new job, and wish to welcome from Wednesday 20th July his replacement PS Martin DANHER.
I will miss ‘Stan’ and I wish him the best in his new role with West Midlands Police. I am sure PS Danher will want to achieve the best results he can for Wednesfield, and make his own contribution to keeping Wednesfield in the lower echelons of the crime league tables.
I am sure our residents will wish Sgt Stanley well in his new role, and will enthusiastically greet Sgt Danher his new replacement onto the Beat.