Wednesfield Police & Fatties Fishing Tackle Shop -Hot August Events!


002 fatties Fishing tackle shopNow here is a great event taking place for the young angler – if you live in Wednesfield!

Friday 14th August – West Midlands Police and Fatties Bait and Tackle shop have come together again and will be hosting in partnership their 5th Annual Fishing contest at Essington Pools.

Open to all aged 16 and under…All the prizes on the day are to be supplied by the shop!

Now I want to congratulate the West Midlands Police and the Wednesfield Neighbourhood team along with Fatties Bait and Tackle Shop for coming together in this way. Its the fifth time they have pooled their resources. The winners are of course the young people who will have a quality event organised for them, with bait provided free.

 Isn’t that just great! .…I want to Fatty’s Bait and Tackle Shop who are based in Griffith Drive Ashmore Park to know that the three City Councillors – Councillor Rita Potter,Councillor Mary Bateman and myself who represent Wednesfield North to know, that we greatly appreciated the partnership you have formed with West Midlands Police at Wednesfield to put on this annual event.

If you are interested in taking part in the event please contact  Fatty’s tel number TODAY – 01902 725311.!cid_image001_png@01D0C3F7 Police

Give them a ring and be quick…..!






Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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