Wednesfield South PACT Meeting

Last night I attended the Wednesfield South PACT meeting, at Wednesfield High School with the expressed reason to speak with the Police about recent crime incidents in the Woodend area.

I raised with them issues relating to the community talking about the perceived increase in the activity of drug dealing.

I will be raising this matter at the Wednesfield North PACT next week, but I shall also be asking for more information in this quarter. I then attended a ‘Blue Lamp’ play scheme with Councillor Brackenridge where the Fire Services & The Police have put on activities for kids throughout the school summer holidays. It was well attended taking place on a play site on the former Ellards Land at the rear of Coleman Avenue.

The scheme will be on Ashmore Park next week.Blue Light

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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