Wednesfield to Enter Britain in Bloom Competition!

On Thursday Night I attended the Wednesfield in Bloom meeting at the St Thomas’s Church Hall in the Village. It was a very good meeting , well attended by volunteers, charity Groups, Traders, Wednesfield History Society and Local Councillors’. It was decided to join Bilston in  the ‘Britain In Bloom’ competition.

This bid is to be led by ‘Hands on Wednesfield’ who are all volunteers, but with a growing reputation of supporting Wednesfield Life & Culture, Sport and Learning , Education and the Arts.

So the mere fact that there has been a meeting kind of alerts you to the fact that Wednesfield is going to enter the ‘Britain in Bloom’ competition. The date that the competition takes place has yet to announced but St Thomas’s Day is the Week End of the 2nd July. The focus will be around that date as everyone gears up to help.

photo Orchid on Red Bank

Wild Orchid Following Planting on Green Open Space in Kitchen Lane Wednesfield.

Be aware folks I will be asking for help and for people and organisations to join in and help to make Wednesfield & Wednesfield North ‘Blooming Beautiful’ for this important week end. Watch out for the various information clips I will be putting out as we run towards this date……. If you have a view or an idea spell them  out.

Exciting news I am sure you will agree!

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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