Wednesfields Latest Crime stat as per Police UK

I have been looking at the last published stat for Wednesfield from Police UK, (The national website for policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland). They are the statistics that are following Wednesfield Crime for August 2023. The Crime stats lag a couple of months from the current date

I looked at the last stats for the month -between July and August 2023- and analysed where the movements were.

Top of the statistics are Violence and Sexual Crimes. These are in the main crimes that take place in the home, but not exclusively. Its a worrying trend to see these figures for Wednesfield constantly fixed top of the crimes that happen in these Wards. Looking over the last three years which you can compare. This crime violence and sexual crimes heads the list regularly each month for three years. I will be asking the Safer Community Partnership, about the actions they will be taking to reduce and detect these worrying statistics.

Second in the crimes reported is the increase Anti Social Behaviour Crimes. this is a problem that is causing much concern amongst the Public. in Wednesfield. During the Summer months this crime became a regular issue with those living in Wednesfield North. Criminal Damage and Arson is also worryingly high with 13.2% of all crime reported in Wednesfield being in this category. here are the stats.

Crime Numbers & Percentage

1- Violence & Sexual Crimes- Number of crimes recorded 87 – 35.5%

2-ASB -34—13.9%

3-Criminal Damage & Arson- 32-13.1%


5- Vehicle Crime -21-8.6%

6-Other Crime- 17-0.8%

7- Public Order -11-4.5%

8-Burglary- -8-3.3%

9- Robbery -6- 2.4%

10-Weapon-2- 0.8%

11- Other Crime-2- 0.8%

12- Drugs -1- 0.4%

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
