The CEO of the Royal Wolverhampton Trust has raised the issue of Wolverhampton CCG having a £10m surplus in their accounts, He thought that NHS was encouraging the Wolverhampton CCG to use this money to help Staffordshire with there resources deficit, whose financial position is much worse, than neighbouring areas. Mr Laughton said that there was very real concern that money held by the CCG for services for Wolverhampton families and individuals here in the City, may be lost with the benefits that would have brought to Wolverhampton families if the CCG follows through with this policy decision.
I must admit to feeling very concerned about this information….maybe I am wrong?
But I would have thought that resources which were amassed by Wolverhampton CCG, should be spent on services for Wolverhampton’s own population.
We are not a rich City, and medical services across the whole area delivered by the CCG should be the major issue. I shall be asking the City Council if they have a view on this…..I am sure many of you reading this will feel like I do? Perhaps you will tell me.
The RWT Board was informed that the Staffordshire funding for Stafford hospital was also running out and there was an £80 million deficit to look at! There was no plan in place to fill that Black Hole, and there was little action taking place to address it! This also just cannot be right…..?