Wolverhampton City Council; Scrutiny Board

IMG_6152 Corporate Plan 2015Last night I attended the first meeting of Wolverhampton City Councils Scrutiny Board, it was an interesting meeting. Before I attended I submitted  these issues that I believed were not adequately covered in the Corporate Plan.

The meeting today –  “This is what is missing in my humble opinion.

  • Corporate Plan  – Stronger Economy – Develop and promote the City history , heritage and culture.
  • Keeping the City Moving – Promote and improve the facility for Coach Daytrippers, Coach trips to Theatres, Heritage & Cultural Coaching, Sporting Events &  coaching holidays, and Scheduled Coach services . How do we do this?
  • Developing A Vibrant City –  Promote The Battle of Wednesfield  & other Historic Sites – Archives & History Centre.
  • Keeping A Safe City – Work with Partners – Promote Fire Safety & Fire Prevention in Corporate & Commercial/Private dwellings and  developments.

The item’s I sent in were raised and discussed within the debate around the two documents.”

The recommendation under discussion was  Scrutiny Board to Review the Corporate Plan 2015/16 in advance of City Council on the 15th July and Review the Wolverhampton Way document the City’s strategic approach to transformation.

It was an interesting meeting all the Members were impressed with the way that these two documents The Corporate Plan and the Wolverhampton Way  and the graphics were laid out.

Also on the agenda for discussion was the City Councils Digital Strategy. There were some very interesting statistics in these papers.

  • 79% of the UK population is now using the Internet.
  • 92% of the population owns a mobile phone
  • 70% for aged 65 or over use a mobile phone.
  • 63% of pop use On Line Banking Services.

This Digital Strategy is aimed over a three year period. its overall goal is about ‘Prosperity for All’. Its about creating opportunities that encourage enterprise.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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