Wolverhampton- Halved Drug Related Deaths!

Councillor Phil Bateman said this tonight. “How about this for a fact,health interventions have helped halve drug-related deaths in our city.”
The number of people in Wolverhampton dying because of a drugs overdose has more than halved year-on-year; a total of 26 deaths from a drug overdose were recorded in 2020. However, this fell to 12 in 2021.
A number of measures have been introduced to help tackle the issue, including the formation of the new Wolverhampton Drug and Alcohol Strategic Partnership which involves a range of agencies across the city working together, the enhanced promotion of Naloxone which acts as emergency medication that can reverse the effects of opiate overdoses, the introduction of Long-acting Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) alongside standard OST as a protective treatment for people most at risk of drug-related death, and investment in data reporting systems to enable frontline partners to provide support much sooner.
The number of residential rehabilitation places available in the city has also been increased, while a specialist criminal justice team are working in partnership to ensure people leaving prison with a treatment need are supported to actively engage in treatment.
Recovery Near You runs the Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service, a free, confidential service helping anyone concerned about their own or others’ drug use. For details, visit www.recoverynearyou.org.uk or call 0300 200 240

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
