This week the Managing Director of City of Wolverhampton Council wrote to me and told me that he had attended “the Libraries Transformation Advisory Group where we considered updates on the consultation so far.”
He added “The City of Wolverhampton Council’s draft Libraries Strategy for 2017 to 2027 seeks to maintain its 16-strong network of libraries while further improving the services they offer to people who live, work, visit or study in the City of Wolverhampton.
The consultation closed on Sunday 21 May, 2017 and had 832 respondents to the survey.”
The MD Mr Keith Ireland went onto say “I would like to thank all those who took time to fill out this survey. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be analysing the findings before Cabinet decides on the final ten-year library strategy on 19 July.”
Councillor Phil Bateman added “This has been a major exercise, I like many other Councillors will be looking at the results of the consultation with great interest. Here in Wednesfield North your three Councillors already work closely with the Library service team.
Many of the changes the City wants to make elsewhere, and were part of the consultation, are already taking place here at Ashmore Park library. Looking across the West Midlands other Authorities are facing great pain as they try to retain their own Library services as Government continues to axe Local Government funding.”