You just cannot ignore the mass murder that took place in Orlando.
President Obama made these comments after the tragedy became known.
President Obama “First of all, our hearts go out to the families of those who have been killed. Our prayers go to those who have been wounded. This is a devastating attack on all Americans. It is one that is particularly painful for the people of Orlando, but I think we all recognize that this could have happened anywhere in this country. And we feel enormous solidarity and grief on behalf of the families that have been affected.”
I am sure even here in Wednesfield and Wolverhampton those words are supported. I was pleased to see the City Council making the following public statement which I support.

Here the City of Wolverhampton flag at half mast yesterday, alongside the Wolverhampton LGTB Community’s Rainbow Flag -also at half mast outside Wolverhampton Civic Centre
“We stand with #Orlando after the horrific events of the weekend. Out of darkness cometh light #loveislove”